Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Happened To My E-Card ?

Until I checked my dashboard on entrecard, I was in the dark about the paid ads I had been reading about.
Well, I should have kept up with the forum because I had a lot of catching up to do. It seems that now the paid ads that you accept will show in a rotation on the widget you place in your sidebar along with the bloggers that pay you credits to have their site shown
With the ability to only drop 300 cards, what are the chances that I see the ad displayed from the original blogger that bought the space for the day ? For that matter, what are the chances that my ad will appear on I site that I spent credits for ?
I am a team player, and I want to do my part to help keep Entrecard going, so I will allow the paid sites on my blog. Hey, we had it for free all this time, and I am sure many of us found some great traffic to our sites, and found some great new blogs in the process
Entrecard still looks like a great way to get some traffic, and possibly another way to monetize your blog, so for now I guess I will participate in the new system, maybe I will make enough to buy myself a new Ford Superduty : )


HawgWyld said...

I have the same reservations -- what of those loyal advertisers who spent credits with me?

I guess we'll have to wait and see how this all works out, huh?

Straight shooting real estate

Mrs Sweetwater said...

please take a moment and go by
BadGalsRadio.com today and get a clear understanding on the Reality of the Cashout Policy.

it's broken down and gives you real figures and believe us, you won't like them unless you are a Splogger.

More Entre Mystery Math clarified by The Turnip of Power, only on BadGalsRadio.com; Entrecarders for the EC.

Sandy said...

I'm not accepting paid ads, from reading the forum seems most people have slower traffic now, complaints that some of the paid ads are sleezy, not appropiate for these pages. People aren't getting what they paid for when they bought ad space that only will show part of the time. And...you get less ec's of others dropping because it's not your widget that gets the ec's when they click on a paid ad. Some aren't even clicking when they get to the pages and see it's a paid ad.

And until one has purchased 400 ads, you can't even participate in the forums.

How many yellow teeth ads have you seen in the last several days...way too many for the orginal blogger to be getting the ec's. Before the yellow teeth it was the bad weight ad with someone's belly button.

Argh, I long for the way it was.
leaving you my url, you don't have your settings to accept anything but the generic google

Harrison said...

I have noticed EC is not working over the past few days. Sometimes the EC on my site isn't even showing. Don't know if they are having issues or not. Also, I am not getting many paid ad requests like I did when the system first came into play.