Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So how are the paid ads at E card going ?
Has it changed the way you purchase your adspace ?
To be honest, I am not big on the monetization of my blogs, I did try a couple things, but I made more clicking on some paid email ads than I did on my blogs.
I never planned to retire to the islands on my blogs either, that's like a pipe dream for most
Entrecard allows me to hookup with some of my blogger friends, find a few new ones, and maybe get a shot at earning a thousand credits so I can cash them in for a buck...WHOO HOOO
I don't care about the paid ads, and the guy that put Ecard together deserves to make a few bucks, so I guess I will leave them alone for now. I does not cost me anything, it gets me a little traffic, and I can make enough one day to get a double cheeseburger at McDonald's.
Ya Can't beat that : )

1 comment:

Didi said...

Good point there